
Free, award-winning, creative commons children's fiction

Stories for younger readers

These stories and books are suitable for ages 6 and up. Some use them to practice reading and others as a bedtime story or storytime chapter book.

List of short stories

The case of the mystery gardener - Oct 2021
Cover of the story - a drawing of a dug up garden with a spade in it. There are questions marks over the garden area. Red-purple background

The Roboteers are faced with one of their strangest cases yet! Somebody is sneaking into people's gardens and tidying up in the dead of night.

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The case of the dog that didn't chew - Sep 2018
The cover for the story showing a drawn brown dog with a goofy expression on a reddish-purple background

The Roboteers solve a case about a dog that doesn’t chew even though there are chew marks everywhere.

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The case of the possessed computer - May 2017
Cover of the story - a pale ghost is holding a computer screen on a red-purple background

The Roboteers latest client is convinced his computer is possessed because it keeps controlling itself! It’s up to the gang to solve the spooky mystery before their client loses the plot!

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Short story - Waiting at the bus stop - Sep 2013
The short story cover (c) Ryan P Cartwright

Three children discuss their favourite superpower but there’s more than meets the eye here

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