
Free, award-winning, creative commons children's fiction


Download, pass around, enjoy. For free

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Award winning stories - Jun 2015
The Wishing Shelf Awards Gold Medal

I think my books are great and so do others!

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How I create award-winning free children's stories - Aug 2013
A black and white drawing of an old typewriter

Creative writing requires time, energy and an idea. There's a process and some tools I use to help me write mine.

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Is is all really free? - Jul 2013
Two children sharing snacks freely

There's no such thing as a free lunch, so they say. So am I really giving all these stories and ebooks away and if so, why?

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Sharing - the key to stories - Jul 2013

One of the most important things at Crimperbooks is sharing. Stories - the heart of a good novel- are shared experiences. You are allowed and encouraged to share the stories you find here.

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Downloading is allowed

As you probably know Crimperbooks is about more than just selling, it’s about stories and about sharing. From the outset you have been allowed to download ebooks for free under a Creative Commons licence on this site . That means you are allowed and encouraged to download them and pass them around. Yes for some formats (like paperback, Kindle and iTunes) you have to pay for the book but that is mostly to cover my costs and because I get charged for offering them in that way (see my response to this). Also those formats have restrictions placed by others and not me. You can still download and share the source text and images for the same stories from here.

Download and pass them around

What is also interesting is that each download has a potential reach of far greater than just one person. The Creative Commons licence deliberately permits and encourages each download to be passed around and shared so for each download I have no way of knowing how many people have read the book. While that might sound a little weird in our connected, finger-on-the-pulse world it’s not that much different to physical books if you think about it. Ever book a paperback and then let someone else read it? The author/publisher has no knowledge of that but – for the author at any rate – just having people read their stuff is brilliant!

What formats are available

I make my ebooks available in a range of formats:

  • PDF
  • ePUB*
  • fb2*
  • ODT
  • Plain text

The two marked with * are in formats for ebooks readers and can thus be read on many different devices with appropriate software. The last two are editable formats. I remind you that if you change the text in those and distribute your changed version, you may do so but you are bound by the terms of the licence.

I don’t make anything available for download here in formats for Kindle or iTunes devices. You can buy my stuff in those formats from those distributors. Just search for Crimperbooks or any of the titles.

If you are looking for eBook reader or library software I can recommend fbreader or Calibre .

About the formats

Some of the formats above may be familiar but others may be new to you, so here’s some more info about them. If you are planning on editing my stuff, please have a look at the licensing on the Legal page.

Depending on the way your system is setup, some of the files may open directly in your browser so you may need to use right click or a menu option to download it (e.g. “Save link as”).

Formatted text. Includes images and covers. Not editable. Requires PDF reader software such as Adobe Reader or X-Reader . To be honest most web browsers will read PDFs these days. Good, simple choice for desktop or laptop devices.
Formatted text with a cover image. Requires compatible ePub reader software/Ebook reader device . Good choice for mobile devices compatible apps available for most platforms. Can be edited with suitable software such as Calibre
Formatted text with cover image. Requires compatible fb2 reader software such as fbreader . Another good choice for mobile devices. Reader software available for most platforms. Can be edited with suitable software such as [Calibre ](
ODT - Open Document Text document
Formatted, editable text. No images at all. Suitable for word processing software and can be edited in them. Default format for Libre Office . A plugin may be required for some legacy wordprocessors(such as MS Word)
Plain text
Also known as ASCII. Unformatted text. No images at all. Can be read in the widest range of software , on pretty much any device and in browsers.
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
This is an image format and will be used for things like bookmarks. It is editable and will require some suitable vector graphics software such as Inkscape on your PC or laptop.
-- end --

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Award winning stories - Jun 2015
The Wishing Shelf Awards Gold Medal

I think my books are great and so do others!

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How I create award-winning free children's stories - Aug 2013
A black and white drawing of an old typewriter

Creative writing requires time, energy and an idea. There's a process and some tools I use to help me write mine.

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Is is all really free? - Jul 2013
Two children sharing snacks freely

There's no such thing as a free lunch, so they say. So am I really giving all these stories and ebooks away and if so, why?

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Sharing - the key to stories - Jul 2013

One of the most important things at Crimperbooks is sharing. Stories - the heart of a good novel- are shared experiences. You are allowed and encouraged to share the stories you find here.

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