
Free, award-winning, creative commons children's fiction

Sugar the Robot and the Race to save the Earth

A free book by Ryan Cartwright - CC:By-SA

A drawing of Sugar the Robot Roboteers Book 1
Tim is ten years old and mad about robots. When he tries to fix a toy robot he gets more than he bargained for! What starts as a hobby ends in a race to stop an alien invasion and save the Earth
  • A fun exciting robot adventure! The Wishing Shelf Awards

  • Brilliant! I've already laughed out loud for real and I'm only on chapter 2. Might even read it with my son! Parent

  • Daddy daddy its time for Sugar the Robot - But we finished it - Oh NOOOOOOO' Parent

  • Exciting, funny, and sometimes laugh-out-loud hilarious Reader

Cover of the book
Cover of the book

Book 1 of the Roboteers series

Published Jun 2013

ISBN 1484965450 / 978-1484965450

Pages 110

Formats paperback, ebook

Language English


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