
Free, award-winning, creative commons children's fiction

Do Not Feed The Troll!

A free book by Ryan Cartwright - CC:By-SA

A drawing of the troll from the book Roboteers Book 2
When Martin’s family moved house his Dad told him things would be better….. Nobody said anything about a troll under the lawn! Martin and his new friends must hurry to stop the troll.
Award Winning Book!
  • Fantastically fun and exciting! Highly recommended! WINNER 2015 The Wishing Shelf Awards

  • Such a fun story. The kids in my class laughed a lot. Excellent ending too. Teacher

  • A hilarious, and award winning middle grade story. Makes perfect for reading as a to be continued bedtime story with younger children, excitement that will have them begging to go to bed!" Free Kids Books

Cover of the book
Cover of the book

Book 1 of the Roboteers series

Published Aug 2014

ISBN 149298678X / 978-1492986782

Pages 176

Formats paperback, ebook

Language English


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